NYC streetscape pop up augmented reality gif

Why Drive NYC

In 2017 Blank Space featured the Driverless Future Challenge. I was invited to participate with an international team and submit Why Drive NYC, a concept developed in collaboration with Mitchell Reardon, Daly Brown and Sebastien Goethals.  Working remotely with these talented urban planners resulted in a three-minute video proposal. The challenge in this project was limiting the very extensive plan for this new model of strategic urban design. The concept encouraged the public to participate in the design of public space, green space and autonomous mobility networks in neighbourhoods throughout New York City using gamification. Developing the materials from offices scattered across three different continents meant finding creative ways to depict the information. Google Street view and Google Earth provided an interesting medium to explore the streets and traffic of NYC and depict the need for a healthier balance between autonomous vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists in the future of the city.


google street view animation streetscape gif new york city streetscape transofrmation animation gif new york aerial photo cityscape with traffic gif