Oana Druta and Rowan Arundel from the Centre for Urban Studies at University of Amsterdam hired me to design the cover illustrations for their books, visualise their research data and format their writing. I developed a template for the format and then worked through it to ensure the entire document to ensure consistency and readability.
Tour de Force 2020 is the national initiative to increase bicycle ridership across the Netherlands by 20% over the next three years. The policy combines the goals and strategies of governments at the municipal, regional and national level. While working with the economic consultancy firm, Decisio, I was hired to make an infographic of the return of investment that cycling can bring, based on the research completed by Decisio. The infographic appeared across the web, spread far and wide on social media and was central to the official document, “Agenda Fiets 2017-2020.” I developed an infographic that covered the most important details of the findings, showing how when governments invest in cycling infrastructure, the return on the invest is overwhelming. I helped translate the Dutch version into English and worked extensively to edit the content into its simplest and clearest form.
Sustainable Amsterdam is a consultancy firm based in Amsterdam showcasing the city’s many innovative approaches to urban planning, resiliency and sustainable mobility. The team’s work invites many occasions to show off their prowess at meetings or conventions across Europe. Having attractive and inviting visuals is essential when these connections are made. Sustainable Amsterdam hired me to designs pamphlets, business cards, and tour leaflets that strengthened their brand identity and captured the spirit of their organisation.
The economics consultancy firm, Decisio, was commissioned by the City of Amsterdam to perform a social cost benefit analysis of the impacts of cycling in the city. They hired me to make an infographic of the contents that would accompany the report prepared for the city council. The infographic was divided into quadrants under the various themes, all painting the picture of the positive effects that cycling has for the municipality and its residents. I also translate the Dutch version into English for this project.
CROW is a nonprofit working with governments, contractors and consultants to share knowledge and establish best practices in the fields of innovation, transportation and security. Wikken en Wegen in the process they developed to help guide partners through the process. Working alongside Decisio, I developed an infographic to highlight the steps in the process.
Decisio worked alongside APPM on a report for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency to determine the effectiveness of electric vehicle policies and different levels of government. I was asked to represent the information into an infographic that could accompany the final report and be spread on social media. The infographic was first written in Dutch before I helped with the English translation.
Decisio was asked by The Hague Business Association to research how the city ranks in suitability for establishment of international companies in comparison to other major European cities. Decisio prepared a thorough report on the subject and asked me to participate. My responsibilities included visualising the data in an interesting and accessible way. I made a series of infographics that illustrated the daily benefits that The Hague has in regards to housing, lifestyle, education, healthcare and connectivity to the rest of Europe. The infographic was prepared for digital publishing in reports and online, and also to be printed in poster format.
Scape is an Amsterdam-based branding and communications consultancy studio that focuses on enhancing the relationships between people, businesses and the built world. To celebrate a successful year of work, relationships and new directions, Scape contacted me to work on a thank you card to send to all the people that made the year special. I worked alongside the team at Scape to capture their vision and goals in a fun and engaging way.
The Dutch Cycling Embassy is a platform established to spread Dutch cycling knowledge, innovation and expertise around the world by connecting partners to interested international third-parties. To celebrate another successful year of work, relationships and new directions, DCE hired me to design a holidays card to send to those who made the year special. I worked alongside the team at DCE to capture the spirit of the platform while thanking those who participated.